The Big Show
Well, folks, we made it through the "bomb cyclone" which was a very treacherous winter storm that rocked the North Eastern part of the United States from Florida to New England.
In typical sensationalise fashion and the noise drowning out the signal. The weather conglomerates (weather new channels) did their best to scare the crap out of everyone by giving a winter storm the name of what sounded like a SyFy movie.
This week airing after Sharknado 5 Dust Sandstorm Arabia is Bomb Cyclone.
Humor aside the storm itself was grave as parts of the country are still digging and thawing their way out from underneath it.
Still with a name like a bomb cyclone feeds into my zany theory that the weather conglomerates are trying harder and harder every year to scare us with the weather forecast. Once was labeled a snowstorm or blizzard is now the Polar Vortex and Snowpaclypse.
Don't believe me "bomb cyclone" wasn't the even the name of the actual storm that would be Grayson but outside of the Batman universe does the name Grayson stick out?
Bringing things down to earth Bomb Cyclone isn't just a marketing slogan it's an actual weather occurrence which is actually called " explosive cyclogenesis, or bombogenesis" okay those sound like an episode of the X-Files. The truth is out there, and it is cold.
But #BombCyclone looks better than #explosivecyclogenesis so deal with it.
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