Bro, do you even Thrive?

I have a love/hate relationship with social media. Well, hate is a bit of a strong word for if that were the case, I would do my best to eliminate it from my life. However, 35% of the time I enjoy it, and the other time it annoys me like a snobby relative and or a loud mouth drunk uncle. Either way at a point in time I must cleanse myself of social media with a social media cleanse. 

It's nothing methodical or anything I just wake up one day and decide to give social media a break for at least a week. The benefits of the fast are instant a clearer, calmer and more focused mind. 
If the social media fast is something would like to try but need a little push in doing so. Try Thrive  an app developed by the wonderful people at Thrive Global.

Thrive is your phone's app Do Not Disturb feature on steroids. For not only do you have your typical DND features but Thrive also monitors your phone's app usage and allows you to allocate how much time you can spend on an app. 

Feel that you spend to much time on Facebook well tell Thrive you only want to spend just 20 minutes on Facebook and once you reach that time Thrive prevents you from launching Facebook until the next day. 

However, the App Control feature isn't just limited to social media apps. Maybe for you its email or even worse a game. Think of how much money you will save by not purchasing a chest load of gems to power up your army. 

So if you need help curbing your smartphone addiction, or even better you want to spend more time with family and friends Thrive might be the app for you. 


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