Quick thoughts on cord cutting.

As a DirectTV Now subscriber and off again/on again YouTube TV user I can pretty much say I am a cord cutter. For the few of you not in the know, a cord cutter is a person who has canceled their cable television package in favor of Internet Stream services such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Video, Sling TV, DirectTV Now and others.

For me, the road to cord cutting was from my sheer hatred of Xfinity. For many its the same. 

However, somewhere along the line, many in the cord-cutting movement look at this as some giant middle finger big cable, etc. let's stick it to the man.

I find all of this confusing since these same corporations either control the internet or said services Dish owns Sling. AT&T owns DirectTV Now. And so forth.

So while cord-cutting is inexpensive now will this love fest continue as streaming rises to the front? 

How will net neutrality play out? Will ISP mostly owned by cable companies raise internet prices to compensate the loss of revenue from decrease cable subscriptions?

Will TV Networks and Movie Studios demand higher rates from streaming services? 

Speaking of networks how many of them will launch their streaming services? CBS is already there. Disney will be joining them. Will the money we save from cut cutting get eaten up by one trying to maintain six or seven services at $10.99 a month?


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