The Bots are coming...

First, Fight the Future... 

I'm not advocating letting the homeless run wild, and in often cases, where homeless people are involved there, happens to be higher rates of crime, violence and psychotic episodes. However, if this isn't a violent circle that hurts everyone involved, I don't know what is. 

Here we have a non-profit organization with the purpose to protect and help animals sending out robots to chase humans who need help and protection themselves. Of course, this crazy scenario could only take place in San Francisco which is the bastion everything wrong with gentrification and rent displacement.

Then we have robots running around at the cost of $6hr taking the jobs of human security guards who make $16hr yeah that's the quickest way to eliminate homelessness lay more people off. 

Even more mysterious are these bots that are supposed to shoo away the homeless but can read 300 license plates per minute. Now I know they are a few cases where homeless people have vehicles but 300 plates per minute I thought this was about the homeless people. 

Speaking of which then there's the San Francisco SPCA with all their talk animal welfare they seem to care little about humanity. Now no one wants to be threatened, harassed or have their place of employment burglarized or vandalized and I understand that your place of operation is in Silicon Valley but sans the talk about worker safety and the well-being of your campus. Again, yes you are in the Valley but Twitter, Google, Salesforce, etc. you're not. You're a nonprofit, not a Fortune 500 corporation. I guess we all have to dream big. 

Hopefully, something good comes out of this such as the homeless people receive the help they need and deserve. Who knows maybe the SPCA can hire a few of them as actual human security guards and that may lead to a few less homeless people dragging down the aesthetic of their "campus." 


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