Day 25

Twenty-five days of waking up at 5 AM and the ball is still rolling strong. Now this entire journey has not been a walk in the park on some days my body didn't want to leave the comfort of my bed. Other times it was mind coming up with every excuse possible on why I should stay in bed. Talk about a battle of wills.

With that I can proudly say that twenty-four times in the past twenty-five days, I was up and at it at 5 AM, and on at least ten occasions I was up before my alarm clock went off.
In previous posts I discussed how my 5 AM journey has led to an increase in productivity, focus, discipline, and a sharper no take prisoners attitude.

In my next few 5 AM post, I am going to talk about a few surprise benefits of my mission.

The first one is a greater appreciation of sleep. Not just sleeping itself but prepping myself before I go to bed. What to do when I first wake up in the morning and the importance of being well rested.

Fortunately, I have never been a person who has had any trouble sleeping. I lay down and before long its nighty night. What getting up at 5 AM  help me understand when it comes to sleep is its value. Adequate rest leads to even more productive days. Too many days of not enough rest leads to a less optimal performance especially mentally.  

So with getting up at 5 AM the deadline the only way to make sure I get enough rest is to be in bed at 10 PM with 11:30 PM being the latest time if I want to get anything close to a decent amount of rest.
This time crunch made me more protective of my sleep time. What that means is no late night binging on TV/Movies and surfing the web, responding to emails, etc.. My Samsung S8+ enters do not disturb mode at 10 PM and most importantly if I'm not reading a book on Google Books the phone can be anywhere but in my hand. Damn you Samsung for creating a product that is so hard for me to put down.

Once I depose of the digital crack pipe that leaves me time to reflect on my day. It allows me to be thankful for being granted the opportunity to have lived another day. To be one step closer to achieving my goals. Next, I plan out tomorrow not so much a step by step outline of the day since that has already completed. What I'm doing here is focusing on what I want the day to feel like, to be like and how the first few minutes should be which means I wake up ready to take on the world and not getting caught up into the ways of the world.

My 5 AM experiment has taught me to make every second of sleep count just like I make every second of being awake count.



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