The Cast

While many claim we are living in the era of “Peak Television” due to the overwhelming amount of amazing TV shows available to us we are also entering the era of “Peak Podcasting.”

No longer the realm of deep thinkers and the eclectic Audio Podcasts have gone mainstream so much so that a few have become TV series and movies.

What has led to the audio podcast revival and expansion? A lot of things mainly smart speakers and our ever-increasing hectic lifestyles.

After all, our Google Homes and Amazon Echoes needed something to do besides play music and answer our beautiful questions.

Our hectic lifestyles have divided our attention in a million different ways which have allowed audio podcast to slide back in our lives.

While video dominates our landscape, it can also dominate one's attention, which makes it hard to watch a video while cleaning, commuting or that weird multitasking thing that many of you do.

An audio podcast provides you that freedom and unlike satellite radio it isn't that expensive. The audio format allows for a variety of shows ranging from ghost stories to gentrification. Do yourself a favor download you a podcast app Castbox is a great one and listen in on a few shows who knows you may end up having a great time.


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