The Mighty S Pen

Oh S Pen, where do I begin? While the Samsung Galaxy S9/9+ is the "IT" phone of the moment especially in the Samsung universe, I think it provides me with the perfect time to discuss the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 from a real-world point of view.

I have been a Note 8 owner since mid-January of 2018, and it has been a thrill ride. There are so many things to cover but let's start with the most obvious one the S Pen.

Yes, the S Pen that amazing stylus that sets the Galaxy Note 8 apart from every flagship smartphone on the market. To many, it seems like a novelty and they are Note 8 users who rarely or never use it. However, both parties are missing out.

While the S Pen is excellent when it comes to writing down anything from notes, ideas and with the Screen Off Memo feature you can even write notes on the always on screen without unlocking your phone a feature that is perfect for jotting down a quick note, contact information or adding something to a shopping list. You can even have those notes displayed the AOD Always On Display.
All of this the S Pen handles with ease but let dig even deeper. The S Pen is an excellent stylus when navigating the Note 8. Need to highlight some text S Pen.

Cut, copy and paste S Pen. Want to draw attention to something in a photo or on a web page S Pen.

Need to crop an image or even better you have a photo that needs some fine tune editing  S Pen. That applies to video as well. On a simpler need to scroll back and forth through a YouTube video S Pen.

Are you an engineer or an engineer in training download the Auto Cad mobile app and the S Pen will allow you to create to your heart's content.

As you see the S Pen packs a punch and I haven't even touched on fun and creative aspects like sketching and drawing. The Galaxy Note 8 provides you with an adult coloring book right in your pockect. 
For more S Len goodness check here
Mega List of S Pen tips and tricks.


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