New Rules for Spring.

Dust balls and clutter you all suck.

For such an organized digital person I struggle with it (at times) no most of the time in the real world. I have tried many strategies most of them were good but not for me.

However, I have stumbled across a few that I will employ for spring and post-spring cleaning. In my research, yes I know its a shame that one has to research on cleaning, but you do what you must. 

As I was saying one of the things that I am beginning to understand is that my issue lies not on the cleaning side but the organizational side. By that I mean I have a great cleaning routine my issue lies after cleaning up I have a habit of not putting things back. 

That 10% or small fourth category of people that Marie Kondo talks about in The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Part of the reason this happens is that I am violating Adam Savage's First Order of Retrievability organizing things on second and third levels which forces me to sift through stuff just to get to something. Hence me not putting things back.  

So my solution for this is toss out a few more things that I don't need. Give away some clothes and eBay off some old tech. Hopefully, that will free up enough space for me to spread out what I do have so when I want something I will be able to retrieve it without moving three things to get it. 

If that doesn't work, I may go nuclear and tossed out everything not hanging up....



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