Long Live The Comic Book Store

The Guardian has a great article on how is it in the era of comic book movies dominating the cinema landscape that comic book stores are going the way of the dinosaur.

Click here to read that article.

So while you continue to bask in the glory of all things Avengers Endgame, Aquaman, Shazaam and Captain Marvel do not forget that all these wonderful franchises started from a comic book.

And the Comic Book Store is a place from where you can purchase comic books. So please take some time and visit your local comic book store especially since one of the great things about most comic book movies is that they are for the entire family. Visiting a comic book store can be an excellent experience for the young ones. Use the movies as a gateway drug into comic books and while most movies are Marvel and DC properties a visit to your local comic book store will expose you and the young ones to other comic book publishers who knows you may stumble upon something magnificent.


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