Tablet ship

IDC: Tablet shipments decline for 16th straight quarter

The tablet ship has sailed, and if Apple had not vampired its users, the iPad could have been exceptional. We all know that the iPad is marvelous, but Apple's insistence on being a luxury brand killed the iPad from ever being the global device it should have been.

The Surface Pro line is impressive but it is along with all of its disciples is a 2-in-1 and not an actual tablet for anyone who has used a Surface Pro in tablet mode for an extended period will tell you while the Surface Pro functions as a tablet it's not a premium experience.

On the Android side what a tangled web we weave. Nothing has helped and hurt the tablet industry more than Android. While Samsung and Asus release the Galaxy Tab and Transformer models both great devices. However, in their attempts to showcase that were also premium devices aka let's keep up with the iPad meant that these devices came with a hefty price tag. Only problem people with the ability to pay for an expensive tablet are usually going to opt for the iPad.

Then there were then cheap Android tablets. The ones you can purchase at your local CVS, Walgreens, etc... Horrible devices that produce a horrendous experience that ran most users away from Android tablets.

The last shot in the arm for the tablet market was the Fire tablets by Amazon. Which, with everything branded Amazon is about keeping you in their ecosystem than providing a superior device.

Then there is the phablet more than any lousy marketing gimmick or price what put the tablet market on life support more than any of that was our 5.5 inches and up smartphones. It provided us with nice sized screens, less weight, greater mobility, and versatility.

So yes the Golden Age of the tablet has come and gone that's if it was even here to begin with because the iPad is the only tablet most people think and know of.

However, that doesn't mean the tablet is going the way of the
Net PC. A few niche markets are there. In the workplace, tablets are helpful especially for medical professionals, salespeople, warehouse workers and maybe teachers.

Any parent can tell you they make excellent travel companions for children. In the consumer world, there is a gap between the phablet and notebook PCs. An 8 to 9-inch device suited for reading, viewing videos and providing a better typing experience than a smartphone.

This is where Apple missed the mark with the iPad Mini. Everything about the mini was perfect except for its price and memory.  


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